Spiritual & Goddess


As she continued to face complicated health challenges, Cristie started to very intentionally refer to herself as a warrior goddess. Her goddess, which represents her spiritual gifts as an intuitive empath, connecting with her angels and spirit guides as well as energy healing.  Her goddess has taught her a lot as well, including: exploring the deep waters of her emotional being, learning to live in the present moment, finding her true light through the darkness of inner child and shadow work, showing up authentically and understanding that our relationships act as mirrors reflecting back to us areas that need healing and transforming perceived weakness into your superpower.

Finding your light through the darkness

To truly live in your light, you first need to face and accept your shadow self; it is only through the darkness that you really shine authentically. Too many people practice what is called spiritual bypassing, where rather than addressing past trauma and their own role in their suffering, they skip the hard part and try to focus on love and light. Unfortunately in doing that, you create toxic positivity because it doesn’t actually involve any real healing work and comes across as fake and insincere.

Reflections in the mirror and how they impact your relationships

One of the most powerful spiritual teachings is learning to look at yourself in the mirror; both literally and figuratively. The practice of looking yourself in the mirror isn’t about being vain or focusing on the superficial aspects of what you see as you look back at yourself. When you really sit with the uncomfortable feeling of seeing yourself for who you are on the most authentic level including the good and the bad; without judgement and fully embracing yourself you are able to show up in the world as your most authentic self unapologetically.

The relationships you have in your life also act as mirrors in that if you feel triggered by someone, often that is a cue that whatever is coming up needs to be explored. They reflect back to you parts of yourself that need healing.

Exploring the deep waters of your emotional being

Many of us growing up were taught to suppress our emotions, especially the deepest and darkest parts of our inner beings. Unfortunately, we all have emotional thresholds and at some point these emotions we have pushed down for years will eventually become overwhelming to the point we are unable to cope with challenges in life.

Although it is uncomfortable at first, learning to address our past traumas helps us show up for ourselves and our loved ones in a healthy way. In the process, we learn to go with the flow and release all that no longer serves us.

Inner child & generational trauma healing

Once you have started on your inner healing journey to find your light and are able to look yourself in the mirror and understand your relationships are all reflections of self, you can start to go even deeper into your healing process.

Working with your inner child in order to heal past hurts and understanding how trauma is passed down through many generations is key for us to break these unhealthy patterns in order for us to have healthier relationships and not pass our trauma down to the next generations.

Reality check; learning to live in the present moment

Many people either live in the past where they over play situations and live with regret or focus on what they want to achieve in the future which can lead to a lot of anxiety. Although we can learn from past experiences and have goals we want for our future, the goal should be to live in the present moment as much as we possibly can; the present is the only place we actually have control and where the magic happens.

Reveal the Goddess within

Step into your Goddess power and learn to increase your intuition by understanding how the universe works. We all have a gut instinct; that inner knowing that either attracts you to people and situations or warns that something may be off.

When you start seeing yourself as a soul having a human experience rather than a human having a spiritual experience a shift happens; you start to understand that there are no coincidences and your experiences, especially the most challenging, are opportunities to learn, grow and evolve on a soul level.

Divine feminine & masculine

Like everything in life, the goal is to achieve balance in order to thrive. Regardless of gender, we all have within us feminine and masculine energy that impacts how we show up in the world. For example, when a man is in his wounded masculine he presents in what we refer to as toxic masculinity being overly aggressive and domineering. When he does the work to step into his divine masculine, he is opening able to communicate emotions, provides a safe space and highly respects the divine feminine.

Learn to transform perceived weakness into your superpower

Being an empath growing up in a very pragmatic family, I always felt misunderstood and that my emotions made me weak. I was told I was too much and that I over reacted. For many years I tried to keep what I felt within and became a very introverted person in order to fit a mold that people around me expected. This turned into being a people pleaser for most of my life until my health declined and I was forced to feel everything I had pushed down for decades.

Being able to feel as deeply as I can, is actually what makes me special and I now see it for the gift that it is. Many times the parts of ourselves that are different and we try to hide end up actually being where our true power lies.

Learning to trust the universe and release control

It is easy to get frustrated when things don’t seem to work out in your favour but when you start to understand there is a higher plan for your journey in this lifetime and the experiences you go through, you are able to start looking at your life from a different perspective. Rather that getting frustrated, you are able to start looking at challenges as lessons and begin to release control of our expectations in order to go with the flow and be open to receiving all of the abundance and blessings on the way without blocking ourselves and getting stuck along the way.

Abundance vs scarcity mindset

The universal law of abundance teaches us that when you are able to step away from fearful and scarcity thinking you can tap into the unlimited resources available not just for you, but for everyone. Being able to find the positives, regardless of what you might be going through, is life changing and a powerful tool used in all aspects of life. The concept is like attracts like; whether you believe something is possible or not, you are right. It involves making a choice, focusing on self love, opening your mind to what is possible and acting as if it has already happened!

Contact Us

If you are interested in having Cristie speak at your next event or be a guest on your podcast, send us a message and we look forward to connecting with you!

Photos by SD Debrosse of SD Capture